Announcement of ACT seminar on Implications of Brexit for ACP countries and Post-Cotonou negotiation



The ACT Alliance which supports the website is proposing to hold a 1 day seminar on 22nd February 2018 dealing with the implications of Brexit for ACP countries (morning) and the implications of the Brexit process for the Post-Cotonou negotiations (afternoon).  The presentations made on the substantive issues faced will be based on articles posted on the and additional research undertaken by GDC-Partners for its Brexit and the ACP agro-food sector subscription only service.

For those of you who may wish to attend, please find below the draft programme.

There is only limited space available in the seminar room (30-40 people), so if you are interested in attending kindly email the seminar organiser Karin Ulmer ( so we can keep track of the level of participation.


actalliance. eu


Seminar on Implications of Brexit for ACP countries and Post-Cotonou negotiations

Draft Programme

Thursday, 22 February 2018, from 9.00 to 15.30 at the ACT Alliance EU office, Bv Charlemagne 28, 1000 Brussels


Session I: Welcome and Introduction, 9.00 -10.00

Welcome, Karin Ulmer, ACT Alliance EU


Introduction: Perspectives of ACP Ambassadors

Question and Answer


Session II: Substantive impacts of Brexit on ACP agro-food sector, 10.00 -11.15

Presentation of substantive issues, Paul Goodison, Phd

  • impact of Brexit on ACP Tariff preferences on exports to UK (tariff dimension);
  • impact of Brexit on UK non-tariff measures applied to agro-food exports (non-tariff dimension);
  • impact of Brexit on the future value of preferential access to the UK market (preference erosion dimension);
  • impact of Brexit on the functioning of EU27 markets (functioning of EU27 markets dimension);
  • he impact of Brexit on triangular supply chains (triangular trade dimension);
  • the external trade effects of a ‘hard’ Brexit (trade displacement dimension).


Discussion of issues raised


Coffee Break


 Session III: The Brexit process and complications for ACP agro-food sectors, 11.30-13.00

Presentation on the Process Issues, Paul Goodison, Phd

  • complicating factor of the transition period in EU27/UK relations;
  • complications of ‘rolling-over current EPAs into ‘cut and paste bilateral deals with the UK;
  • complications of Brexit and the WTO.

Discussion of issues raised, 12.10 – 13.00


Lunch Break


Session IV, Implications of Brexit for the post-Cotonou negotiations, 14.00 -15.00 plus (open ended)

Presentation of the Brexit implications for Post Cotonou negotiation, Paul Goodison, Phd future trade relations;

  • future development cooperation relations;
  • future political relations.


Comments, Karine Sohet, ACT Alliance EU (Concord Cotonou Working Group)


Discussion of issues raised, open ended


Coffee break, 15.30 or 16.00


 Background Summary Briefing Materials (will be made available prior to seminar)

For more information on EPAs, please see Background Summary documents on Brexit impact will be sent before the meeting date

Substantive Impacts

  • A summary of the areas of impact of Brexit on ACP agro food sectors
  • Brexit and Non-Tariff Trade Issues: The Pros and Cons
  • Post-Brexit Policy Uncertainty: The Case of Preference Erosion in the Banana Sector
  • Impact of Brexit on the Functioning of EU27 Markets: The Case of Sugar and Bananas
  • The Trade Displacement Effects of Brexit: Lessons from the Poultry Sector

 Brexit Process

  • The Complicating factor of the transition period in EU27/UK relations
  • The complications of ‘rolling-over current EPAs into ‘cut and paste bilateral deals with the UK
  • Brexit and the WTO Complications